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A minimum standard of smart casual dress is required in all areas of the Clubhouse at all times.

* The minimum standard required both on and off course is that of smart casual, including tailored shorts
* Tee shirts without collars, except those designed specifically for golf, are not permitted
* Clothing with garish slogans, football type shorts and training apparel such as tracksuits are also not permitted
* Golf shoes are only permitted in the Spike bar

Club Rules

  1. (a) The name of the Club shall be CLWB GOLFF PORTHMADOG GOLF CLUB.

    (b) The Club is a Members Club formed to provide, for the members, facilities for playing the game of Golf and supply the members with refreshments and all things incidental to the playing of golf.

    (c ) The Club is a non profit making organisation and shall not make any distributions of profit or surplus save to another non profit making body.

    (d) The Club, in compliance with the Equality Act 2010 or any statutory modification thereof, relevant English, UK and European legislation and all other statutory obligations, is resolute in its determination to pursue respective equality of status to all members, visitors, guests, present and potential employees, and service providers associated with those companies. It will endeavour to ensure that every person, as indicated above, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race or belief, sex or sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity has a genuine opportunity to participate to their full potential at all levels within the club.

    (e) In respect of the principle of equality Clwb Golff Porthmadog will adopt and implement the following approach:

    Offering the members of Clwb Gollf Porthmadog and guests the right to choose Welsh or English as the language of their dealings with the club:

    Recognising that members of Clwb Golff Porthmadog and guests can express their views and needs better in English or Welsh in accordance with his/her preference:

    Recognising that enabling members of Clwb Golff Porthmadog and guests to use either English or Welsh according to his/her preference is a matter of good practice, not a concession:

    Accepting that denying members of Clwb Golff Porthmadog and guests the right to use eitherEnglish or Welsh according to his/her preference could place those individuals at a real disadvantage.


    a) Management of the Golf Club shall be directed by The Executive Committee

    (Hereinafter called the Executive) which shall comprise the following persons:

    1. Chairperson

    2. Treasurer

    3. Chair of Green

    4. Chair of House and Entertainment

    5. Men's Club Captain or his nominated representative

    6. Lady Captain or his nominated representative

    7. Men’s Vice Captain

    8. Ladies Vice Captain

    b) 1,2, 3 and 4 will have been elected at the Annual General Meeting prior to them taking office.

    At least 28 days prior to the Annual General Meeting a list of Nominations shall be placed on the Main Notice Board. Each Nomination must be signed by a proposer and seconder and be counter –signed by the members nominated. The list of Nominations shall close 14 days before the appointed date of the Annual General Meeting and no alteration shall be permitted to the list thereafter

    c) Each elected representative will serve for a period of 3 years unless:

    i) He/she serves notice of resignation

    ii) His/her demise or other disabling accident or occurrence

    iii) The passing of a proposal at a General Meeting that he/she resigns and that a successor be appointed in his/her stead.

    In the event of i or ii occurring the Executive has the power to appoint a temporary representative on to the Executive Committee to serve until the next Annual General Meeting.

    d) Each elected representative may stand for election for a second term following which he or she would be obliged to stand down for a period of at least one year.

    e) The Chairperson shall act as chair for all Executive meetings and General Meetings. The Chairperson and Chairs of section and standing committees will have a second or casting vote in the event of a tied vote on any proposal made.

    f) The quorum for an executive meeting shall be three.

    Power of the Executive

    a) i. The executive shall have control of the finances of the club. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual budget and maintain quarterly and annual accounts.

    ii. The executive shall agree appropriate sums to be allocated to the sections and standing committees to enable them to fulfil their obligations on an annual basis.

    iii. The executive shall decide all future capital expenditure deemed necessary for the successful running of the club.

    iv. The executive shall be empowered to engage, control and dismiss the club employees as is deemed appropriate or necessary for the well being and successful running of the club.

    v. The executive will consider any submissions and reports from the section and standing committees which relate to the terms of reference bestowed upon those committees and if appropriate, take action.

    b Borrowing Powers

    The executive shall be empowered to borrow for the purposes of the Club either at one time or from time to time and in such form and manner that it deems appropriate. The Trustees shall at the direction of the executive make disposition of the Club property or any part thereof and enter into such agreements in relation thereto as the executive may deem proper for giving security for such borrowing.


    The Club Presidents shall be appointed to hold office for a period of one year by a majority of persons present at the A.G.M. and be eligible to vote thereat, having been nominated by their respective Section Committee.

    Presidents may attend their respective section committees in an ex-officio capacity and shall have full powers of voting and propose or second any motion for debate.


    i Appointments – The Trustees who must be full members shall be nominated by the Executive and appointed by the Trustees.

    ii. Number – The number of Trustees shall not exceed four, but shall in no case be less than two.

    iii Duties – The Trustees are entitled to receive advance notice of all meetings of the Executive and to attend (but not to vote at) those parts of the meeting when financial matters are under consideration which affect them or the property for which they are Trustees.The trustees shall act and deal with club property upon receiving a directive from the Executive and be satisfied that such instruction was duly passed by a simple majority at an Executive meeting.

    iv Club Property – All club freehold or leasehold properties or any other estate or interest in property to which the club may at any time be entitled shall be duly vested in the Club trustees who shall thereafter hold the same as the trustees of the Porthmadog Golf Club and subject to the directions of the Executive.

    v Termination – Trustees shall continue in office until:

    a) death, or

    b) retirement, or

    c)the passing of a resolution by the Club in a general meeting discharging the services of an existing trustee.


    Shall comprise the Captains, Vice Captains plus officials and members appointed at their respective A.G.M.’s .

    i) At least once in each year at a date to be determined prior to the Club’s Annual General Meeting a General Meeting shall be convened.

    ii) To notify to the club’s Annual General Meeting of the appointment from amongst their own members of the Captains, and Vice Captains.

    ii) To notify the Annual General Meeting of the nominations of the Presidents.


    a) Green Committee – Shall comprise Chair of Green and 2 nominees (or their deputies), 1 from each section. Head greenkeeper and/or Club Professional and/or Club Manager may be required to attend.

    DUTIES – dealing with all matters relating to the development and maintenance of the golf course, and its equipment, within the agreed budget.

    b)House and Entertainment Committee – Shall comprise Chairperson and 2 nominees (or their deputies), 1 from each section.

    DUTIES – responsible for the maintenance of the club house premises and the club’s programme of entertainment.

    Quorum for standing committees shall be 3.

    Powers to Co-opt

    Both Section Committees and Standing Committees shall have power to co-opt a maximum of 2 members to serve on each such Committee. Such co-opted members shall have voting power and power to propose or second a motion for debate. All co-opted members appointed to serve on any Sub-committee shall retire annually, but may be re-appointed as co-opted members by a subsequent resolution duly passed by the Committee wishing to co-opt such a person.


    The club’s Financial Year shall be terminated on the last day of December in each year to which date the accounts shall be balanced. The accounts of the Club shall, as soon as is practical after the end of the financial year, be audited by professional auditors appointed at the previous Annual General Meeting.


    a) Date – The annual General meeting of the Club shall be held on the last Friday in March each year. In the event of such date coinciding with a Bank Holiday, the previous Friday shall be deemed to be substituted thereof.

    b) Notice of Proposal – Members desiring to bring any proposal before any General Meeting shall give notice to the Executive in writing not later than twenty eight days before the proposed date for such meeting.

    c) Notice – The Executive shall give not less than seven days’ notice to each member of the date of the meeting and of the business to be transacted.

    d) Attendance – Only Full Members of the Club shall be entitled to attend and vote at any General Meeting.

    e) Quorum – The quorum at general meetings shall be fifty.

    f) Voting – i) Voting on any proposal is by a simple majority.

    ii) Voting by proxy is not allowed.

    g) Extraordinary General Meetings – May be called by the Club Manager on receipt of a requisition signed by the Executive, or two Trustees, or at least twenty-five full members. Such a requisition shall state the object of the meeting. No other business shall be transacted at such meeting.

    h) Club Dissolution – If at an Extraordinary General meeting (of which not less than 7 days notice has been given to each member) and at which not less than one-half of the members eligible to vote are present a Resolution for the Dissolution of the Club is passed by a majority of two-thirds of the members present and voting, the Executive must immediately, or at such future date as specified in the Resolution, proceed to realise the property of the club. The proceeds will be used to establish another golf club of the same name elsewhere, failing which the proceeds will be donated to such sporting charity or charities as are agreed upon by the membership. In default of such agreement the sporting charity or charities will be nominated by the President of the Welsh Golfing Union.


    a) Voting – Election of members shall be carried out by a selection panel appointed by the Executive.

    (b) Proposal – Each person applying for membership shall be proposed and seconded by full members of the club of at least two full year’s standing and the candidates name and address with the names of his/her proposer and seconder shall be entered in the Members’s Proposal Book and the entrance fee paid. Each prospective member must be introduced to a member of the selection panel or Club Manager prior to the completed application form being posted on the Club Notice Board for a period of seven days.

    c) Subscription – The candidate shall be notified of his/her election and at the same time forwarded a copy of the Rules of the Club. On receipt of the subscription due, the candidate shall become a member of the Club.


    a) Full Members – are those paying the Full subscription and entitled to all rights and privileges of membership of the club. Officials and full time employees of the club will be regarded as full members and may at the discretion of the Executive have their subscription waived.

    b) Husband and Wife combined members – are entitled to all the rights and privileges of full membership. The subscription for a husband and wife combined membership may be subject to a discount at the discretion of the Executive.

    c) Life Members – are entitled to all the rights and privileges of full membership and shall be elected only at the Annual General Meeting.

    d) Honorary Members – this status shall be bestowed at the discretion of the Executive and such members will have free use of the club’s facilities, but are not entitled to any other rights or privileges.

    e) House Members – shall be non playing members not entitled to serve on any Club committee nor vote at any General Meetings.

    f) Intermediate Members – are entitled to all the rights and privileges of full membership and shall be members between the age of 18 and 25 years inclusive who have graduated from unbroken Junior Membership of the Club. The annual subscription shall lie between that of a Junior member and that of a full member at the discretion of the Executive.

    g) Junior Members – shall enjoy all the privileges of Full Membership except or otherwise provided by these rules. Junior members under the age of 16 are eligible to take part in Club Competitions as directed by their respective Section Committee.


    i) Junior Members shall have no power to introduce guests either onto the Club Premises or Golf Course.

    ii) Junior Members may not purchase alcohol prior to their 18th birthday, nor may they consume alcohol in the club bars before their 16th birthday. Junior members accompanied by their parents may consume alcohol when eating on club premises.

    iii) Junior members are not permitted to play the gaming machines until their 18th Birthday.

    iv) Junior Members are permitted to attend general meetings, but shall have no vote.


    Subject to any restrictions, which may from time to time be imposed by the Executive, the following persons shall be entitled to admission to the Club Premises:

    a) Golfers on payment of the appropriate green fee, on the date or dates covered by that green fee. The names of those paying shall be recorded. A green fee member shall be allowed to admit one guest only to the facilities of the club house during this period of membership.

    b) Member’s guests, whose names shall also be entered in the visitors book.

    c) Those taking table meals at the club premises. Such persons must have been entered in the visitors book.

    d) Those attending any function, organised at the club and approved by the executive, or organised on behalf of the said executive. Non-members attending such functions may be accommodated as temporary members provided that the names of all such persons are notified to the Club Manger not less than three days prior to that event.


    Any member wishing to resign his or her membership shall notify the executive in writing at least fourteen days before the end of the membership year. If this procedure is not followed and the person wishes to rejoin the club at some future date they will be charged the current entrance fee at the time of re-application.


    a) Each member can introduce up to 10 guests on any occasion.

    b) No person may be introduced as a guest on more than six occasions during the year.

    c) Members introducing guests must, on each occasion, enter their names in the book kept for that purpose, and countersign with their own name clearly printed.

    d) House members may introduce one guest on any visit to the club, subject to 9b.

    e) Members of visiting Teams shall be entitled to make use of the facilities of the club.

    f) One golfing guest playing with a Full Member shall be entitled to play for half the normal green fee.

    g) At the discretion of the Executive guests may be charged an admission fee to the club’s licensed premises.


    a) The annual subscription falls due on January 1st of each year.

    b) All subscriptions are deemed to be in arrear if not paid by the last day of February. Any member failing to pay their subscription on or before that last day in February shall be sent a final notice to this effect and shall forthwith cease to utilise any facilities of the club, or participate in any of its activities until they have paid their subscription.

    c) Any member whose subscription remains unpaid at 31st March shall be deemed liable to have forfeited his/her membership of the club and their name removed from the club register of members. Such person cannot rejoin the club until such time as any arrears are paid.

    d) Up to three golfing guests playing with a full member shall be entitled to play for half the normal greenfee. Names of guests must be recorded in the pro shop visitor book.

    e)The amount of entrance fee payable by new members and the amount of subscription shall each year be determined by the Executive and may not be increased by more than 5% or the rate of inflation, whichever is the higher without the approval of a general meeting.

    e) Members with unbroken full membership of 20 years having obtained the age of 80 years will have their subscription discounted with £100.


    a) No additional rules shall be made, nor shall any of the existing rules be repealed altered or supplemented save by a simple majority of the voting members present at a general meeting.

    b) The Executive is empowered to make such temporary rules as are deemed necessary for the well-being of the club.

    12 CONDUCT

    All club members shall at all times conduct themselves in a proper and reasonable manner and shall observe the rules and regulations passed by the Executive from time to time to govern the well being and management of the club. The Executive has full discretion to determine any course of action concerning the conduct of members and may discipline any members whose actions they consider shall not have been in the best interest of the Club.


    All complaints shall be made in writing to the Club Manager who shall submit them to the Executive if unable to satisfy the complainants.


    a) The Executive shall be empowered to expel any member whose conduct has in their opinion been injurious to the interest of the Club, or who has wilfully infringed any of the rules of the Club.

    b) Any member thus expelled or otherwise ceasing to be a member of the club shall forfeit all rights to claim upon the Club or its property or funds.


    a) Club Competitions shall be arranged by the respective Section Committees.

    b) The trophies offered for competition shall be the property of the Porthmadog Golf Club, and be retained on the premises.

    c) The Rules of Golf for all competitions shall be those adopted from time to time by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, subject to the Local Rules of the Club as printed on the Club Score Card or displayed on the Club Notice Board.

    d) Players in competitions have the right to pass through all others.

    e) The respective Section Committees are empowered to cancel, postpone or alter the date of any competition, relevant to their respective section.

    f) The Executive’s decision on any dispute shall be final.


    a) Every member must replace carefully any turf cut in playing whether on tees or through the green.

    b) Footprints made in bunkers must be levelled out with a club or such implement for such purpose as shall be provided by the Club.

    c) In removing and replacing flag pins, members must exercise reasonable care not to damage the turf round and about the hole.

    d) The Executive shall after consultation with the appropriate bodies be empowered to put up on the course any notices which may be considered necessary.

    17 ANIMALS, ETC.

    a) Players must not take dogs on to the course, nor are dogs allowed in the Club House.

    b) No horses or bicycles shall be allowed on the course.


    All members must observe the rules laid down by the National Trust.


    a) The Club House shall be open to members between the hours of 8.00a.m. and 10.00p.m. or as determined by the Executive.

    b) The Club is registered for the sale of Alcoholic drinks and tobacco, and the hours for the sale of the same be as defined by the Executive, but consistent with the Licensing Laws.


    Our minimum acceptable level is that of smart casual. The following items of attire are NOT acceptable either in the Club house or on the Golf Course; Tee Shirts without collars except those designed for golf, clothing with garish slogans, football type shorts and training apparel. Tailored shorts may be worn on the course and in the Club House.