Nobody intends to hit a bad shot but even the best players do not hit a perfect ball every time.
Please ensure, when you are playing the course, that you consider not just the potential hazards on the course but also the potential damage your ball could cause to property and people outside the boundary fences, walls and hedges.
Many of you will have your own golf insurance policies. However, the Club has insured all members and visitors via Golfguard Ltd. Copies of the cover and further details are displayed on the noticeboard outside the Pro Shop.
If, on any of the holes, your ball does stray into a garden, on to the road or hit something or someone it is important you inform the office or Pro Shop as soon as possible. Failure to do so could result in any claim under the Golfguard policy being invalid.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Does neb yn bwriadu taro ergyd wael ond nid yw hyd yn oed y chwaraewyr gorau yn taro pêl berffaith bob tro. Sicrhewch, pan fyddwch yn chwarae'r cwrs, eich bod yn ystyried nid yn unig y peryglon posibl ar y cwrs ond hefyd y difrod posibl y gallai eich pêl ei achosi i eiddo a phobl y tu allan i'r ffiniau terfyn, y waliau a'r gwrychoedd. Bydd gan lawer ohonoch eich polisïau yswiriant golff eich hun. Fodd bynnag, mae'r Clwb wedi yswirio'r holl aelodau ac ymwelwyr trwy Golfguard Ltd. Mae copïau o'r yswiriant a manylion pellach i'w gweld ar yr hysbysfwrdd y tu allan I Siop y Pro. Os, ar unrhyw un o'r tyllau, mae'ch pêl yn crwydro i ardd, ar y ffordd neu'n taro rhywbeth neu rywun, mae'n bwysig eich bod yn hysbysu'r swyddfa neu Siop y Pro cyn gynted â phosibl. Gallai methu â gwneud hynny arwain at unrhyw hawliad o dan bolisi Golfguard yn annilys.
Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.
Mewn achos o fellt, stopiwch y gêm ar unwaith a chymrwch gamau priodol. [Mae Rheol 5-7a yn gymwys]. Nid yw yno'n llochesau'n darparu diogelwch digonol rhag mellt. Peidiwch â pharhau i chwarae mewn niwl/gweladwyedd gwael, pan na allwch weld y pellter clir o'r pêl y bwriadwch ei tharo.
In the event of lightening, suspend play immediately and take appropriate action. [Rule 5-7a applies]. Shelters do not provide adequate protection from lightning. Do not continue to play in fog/poor visibility, when you cannot see the clear distance of your intended shot.
To ensure the safety of all golf course users, buggy drivers are required to comply with the Club’s Buggy Safety Policy and follow this at all times.
Take particular care around bunkers and ditches and on slopes.
Guidance for Safe and Responsible use of a Golf Buggy/Ride on Vehicle
Canllawiau ar gyfer Defnydd Diogel a Chyfrifol Bygi Golff
Policy for the Safe Use of a Golf Buggy
Polisi ar gyfer Defnydd Diogel o Fygi Golff
Buggy Policy
Polisi Bygi
Golf Buggy Safety Policy Acknowledgement Form
Ffurflen Cydnabyddiaeth Polisi Diogelwch Bygi Golff
STAFF Y LLEINIAU: Mae staff y lleiniau sy’n gweithio ar y cwrs yn cael
blaenoriaeth bob amser.
Mae disgwyl i chwaraewyr aros i staff eu cydnabod a
symud allan o’r ffordd, CYN y gellir chwarae ergyd a allai eu peryglu.
PEIDIWCH â thybio y bydd staff y lleiniau yn gallu clywed neu ymateb i weiddi “FORE!”
GREENS STAFF working on the course have priority at all times.
Players are expected to wait for staff to acknowledge them and move out of
range, BEFORE playing a shot that might endanger them. DO NOT assume a
greenkeeper will be able to hear or react to a shout of “FORE!”
Mae Diffibriliwr wedi'i leoli y tu allan i glwb Golff Porthmadog ac yng nghyfansoddyn y Gwyrddwyr.
"A Defibrillator is located outside the Clubhouse at Porthmadog Golf Club and at the Greenkeepers' Compound."
Club House
Greenkeepers' Compound